LINK PREVIEW 6.1 -Removed Encoding class and fixed DOMHTMLDocument to UTF8 LINK PREVIEW 5.9 - Fix hindi, tamil langauge issue LINKPREVIEW 5.6 * function readLink() set header language to site language. * If arabic then ignore fixutf8 LINKPREVIEW 5.5 * Change order to og: tag first then itemprop. LINKPREVIEW 5.2 * Fix issues with the encoding, use input() instead before saving into database * Add a option to show a mixed contents means if your are using https and the link preview image is http you may get ssl errors, to avoid to load that image you may set LinkPreview_ShowMixedContents in ossn_com.php to false. LINK PREVIEW 4.4 * Fixed issue with the emojis LINK PREVIEW 4.0-4.1 * Fixed issue with the GeneralParser (a 3rd party library) * The description if not encoded cause the issue. LINK PREVIEW 3.0 ================ * Fixed issues with media websites (youtube, vemo..etc).